Resources-Covid 19-for Students
Looking for information on Coronavirus 19? Read the brief descriptions below for each resource to help you the key information you need. You will better understand the Covid 19 pandemic and how you can protect yourself and others!
Kids and Teens
World Health Organization (WHO)—Q&A: Adolescents, Youth and COVID-19
Questions and answers from WHO concerning COVID-19. Adolescents, teens, and youth contributed to the development of the questions.
Questions include: Can adolescents catch COVID-19?, Can adolescents spread COVID-19 to other people if they have no symptoms?, What should I do if someone in my family gets really ill with COVID-19? And much more!
National Geographic—Kids: Coronavirus and What Kids Need to Know
Easy to read and understand information on the covid-19 virus.
CDC—When and How to Wash Your Hands
Information about handwashing and hand hygiene
National Geographic Kids—Facts about Coronavius: What kids need to know
Good information for kids about COVID-19, including How did COVID-19 start?, How did it get to the United States—ad why did it spread so fast?, How does someone catch COVID-19, How can I protect myself?, Do I need to wear a mask and gloves?, What happens if I get COVID-19 and much more!
LiveScience—The Ultimate Kids’ Guide to the New Coronavirus
Lots of information for kids about COVID-19, including What is a virus, What is the coronavirus?, How does the virus get into cells in the body?, and much more. Downloadable pdf of site is available.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Article for Teens—How You Can Make a Difference
WHO—Questions and Answers about COVID-19; Older People and COVID-19
Lots of information presented in Q & A form. Good for people of all ages to read about transmission, risks and prevention if you have older adults in your family who might be at risk.
CDC—Considerations for Youth Sports
Information about youth sports and protecting health during COVID-19
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