Resources- Natural Disaster Preparation
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—Eat Safe Food
Print-and-Go Fact Sheet about how to handle food safely after a natural disaster or power outage. Details what food you can keep and what you should throw out.
CDC—Drink Safe Water
Print-and-Go Fact Sheet about safe water practices after a natural disaster; what you should do and what you should never do to keep a safe water supply after a natural disaster.
CDC—Natural Disasters and Severe Weather—How to Keep Food and Water Safe
Information about food and water safety after a natural disaster. Lots of links to safety information.
CDC—Natural Disasters, Severe Weather and Covid 19
Lots of information about how to stay safe during the covid-19 pandemic and a natural disaster.
FEMA—Six Important Things To Know Before a Disaster-video
Department of Homeland Security-FEMA-Earthquakes
Fact sheet about earthquakes and what it do before, during and after an earthquake. Also links to other types of disasters.
Department of Homeland Security-FEMA-Know the Facts: Extreme Heat
Fact sheet about extreme heat events and what to do before, during and after an extreme heat emergency. Also links to other types of emergency situations.
CDC—Hot Weather Tips
FEMA—Be Prepared for Extreme Heat—FactSheet
National Weather Service—Flood Safety Tips and Resources
Lots of links to information about flood safety.
Department of Homeland Security—Floods: Know the Facts
Information about what to do before, during and after a flood. Also links to other types of disasters.
Department of Homeland Security—Kids: Be Prepared, Build a Kit
Information on how to build a kit to be prepared in the event of an emergency situation that could involve loss of power.
Department of Homeland Security—Make A Plan
Information about how to make a family plan to increase safety during a disaster. Links to issues for different types of populations (individuals with disabilities, seniors, etc.), types of disasters, safety skills, and more.
Department of Homeland Security—Get Involved
Information about what people can do to get prepare for disasters. Links to many kinds of disaster resources.
FEMA—Build a Kit Game
Game for kids to build an emergency disaster kit. Go through different locations in the home and choose what you should take with you if you need to evacuate. Feedback lets you know what you may have done wrong and to try again.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—What You Need to Know When the Power Goes Out Unexpectedly
Great resource for information on how to stay safe during a power outage, including Food Safety, Safe Drinking Water and Medications. Also includes Health and Safety Concerns for all disasters.
Department of Homeland Security-FEMA—Know the Facts: Thunderstorms and Lightning
Fact sheet about thunderstorms and lightning and information on what to do before, during and after a severe weather event.
FEMA—Know the Facts: Tornadoes
Fact sheet about tornadoes, including what to do before, during and after a tornado event. Also, links to other types of natural disasters.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—Wildfire Smoke and Covid-19
Information about how to prepare for the presence of wildfire smoke during the covid-19 pandemic.
Department of Homeland Security-FEMA—Know the Facts: Home Fires
Fact sheet about home fires and what to do before, during and after a home fire emergency. Also links to different types of emergencies.
Lots of information about how to prepare for a wildfire.
CDC-Preparing for Wildfires
Steps to take to prepare for a wildfire.
EPA—Wildfire Smoke Factsheet: Prepare for the Fire Season
FEMA—Preparing for Wildfires
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