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                   Health Resources for Teachers


Centers for Disease Control and


(CDC)—Electronic Cigarettes: What’s

the Bottom Line?




CDC—e-Cigarettes and Youth Toolkit for Partners
Great resource with lots of information and resources about e-cigarettes and the health risks for youth. Fact sheets, how to take action to protect youth, free media and communications materials, frequently asked questions and more.


CDC—Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults

CDC—Talk With Your Teen About e-Cigarettes: A Tip Sheet For Parents
Aimed at parents, but can be used by any adult that talks to teens about e-cigarettes.

CDC—Keep Kids E-Cigarette Free

CDC—E-cigarette Infographics
Four great downloadable infographics with lots of great information about e-cigarettes for parents, educators and health care providers.


Office of the Surgeon General—Know the Risks: E-Cigarettes and Young People


CDC—Youth and Tobacco Use
Information about tobacco use, including statistics, factors associated with youth tobacco product use, reducing tobacco use, and references.


CDC—Infographic:  Teachers and Parents: That USB Stick Might Be an E-cigarette—Office of Population Affairs—How Common is Adolescent Alcohol Use?


SAMSA-(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)-Talk. They Hear You. Substance Use Prevention Campaign.
Information about the campaign for parents and caregivers to talk with children early about alcohol and other drug use.

Scholastic—The Human Body: 14 StudyJams! Interactive Science Activities
Interactive activities and quizzes on the human body.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)-Parent Resources
Sites and links target parents but lots of great information that can be useful for teachers and caregivers as well. Language assistance is available. Topics and links include:


5 Conversation Goals, Action Plan, Answering Your Child’s Tough Questions, Keeping Your Kids Safe Brochures, Family Agreement Form: Avoiding Alcohol, Impaired Driving: Talk With Your Kids.


Keeping Your Kids Safe
Downloadable brochures on Talking with Your Child about Marijuana and Talking with Your Child About Opioids. 


SAMSHA-How To Tell If Your Child Is Drinking Alcohol
Downloadable information about warning signs that your child may be drinking alcohol.

What You Can Do To Prevent Your Child From Drinking
Lists of ways you can prevent your child from drinking.

Surgeon General—Fact Sheet: E-Cigarette Use Among Young and Young Adults, A Report of the Surgeon General


Surgeon General—Know the Risks: Talk with Your Teen About e-cigarettes-A Tip Sheet for Parents


PBS Learning Media—From the Heart
3:14 minute video about how the chambers of the heart contract and relax to push blood through the body.  Grades 6-8.


PBS Learning—The Circulatory System-Map of the Human Heart
Lesson plan that explores the relationship of structure and function in the circulatory system. 
Lesson plan

Map of the Human Heart interactive site


Also links to You’ve Got to Have Heart (pdf) word search puzzle, Amazing Heart Facts and other suggestions for classroom activities about the circulatory system.


NOVA-Amazing Heart Facts


PBS Learning Media—Body Control Center
Interactive that allows students to investigate homeostasis and how body metabolism mechanisms react to different controls.


Ask, Listen, Learn
Many resources for kids, parents, and teachers on the effects of alcohol, why drinking alcohol is different for kids and adults, excellent presentation of information for middle school students in a straight-forward, objective manner. Videos on brain anatomy and how alcohol affects the nervous system and decision-making abilities are easy-to-understand yet packed with science


Link to Parents, Teachers, and Kids sites from:  
Some direct links are listed below:


Ask, Listen, Learn—Brain Trivia
Interactive brain trivia game.


Ask, Listen, Learn—Parents
Lots of information on underage drinking on this site for parents (and teachers).  Scroll to the bottom for lots of short (3-4 minutes) videos on how alcohol affects the adolescent, developing brain.


Ask, Listen, Learn—Teachers
Good information on underage drinking for teachers (and parents).


Ask, Listen, Learn—Kids
Links to lots of kid-friendly information and interactive games.


Ask, Listen, Learn—Brain Storm
Game about underage drinking and how it negatively affects a child’s developing brain.


Ask, Listen, Learn—Memory Flip
Underage drinking can negatively affect a child’s brain development. Play the game to find out more.


KidsHealth from Nemours—Skin Cancer

Resources for Grades 6-8 on skin cancer. Includes teacher’s guide. Includes :Shining a Light on Tanning Myths” handout and survey, Sun Safety, By the Numbers and answer keys.


NGSS Life Science—Human Body Lesson Plans
Downloadable (pdf) lesson plans and activities on a variety of human body systems. Membership is required for editable docs. Middle and high school level plans.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) —Immunization Schedule


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—What would happen if we stopped vaccinations?

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia—Vaccine Education Center
Includes information on topics such as Vaccine Safety, Vaccine Ingredients, Vaccines and Other Conditions, Evaluating Scientific Information, and much more.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—Vaccines and Immunizations: The Basics
Home page with lots of links to information about vaccines, including:

The History of Vaccines: An Educational Resource by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Lots of links to information about vaccines, including How Vaccines Work, How Vaccines Are Made, Types of Vaccines, Herd Immunity and more. Links to two interactive activities for solving fictional outbreak cases.


The History of Vaccines: An Educational Resource by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia—Ethical Issues and Vaccines
Good source for information on issues about ethical considerations concerning vaccines.


The History of Vaccines: An Educational Resource by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia—Cultural Perspectives on Vaccination


CDC—Influenza Educational Free Resources
Select materials are available for order. Order limits apply. Other educational materials are free for download.


The Skin Cancer Foundation—Free Sun Safety Education Programs
Free lesson plans to help teachers expose students to the importance of sun protection and give them the tools they need to prevent skin cancer. Includes interactive lesson plans, prevention guidelines, handouts and activities, and educational posters. Register to download course materials.


CancerQuest-Skin Cancer Curriculum
Skin Cancer lesson with downloadable overview, PPT presentation, and Problem-based Learning Module. Materials are listed for high school students, but could easily be used by junior high classes. Includes answers to questions.


Teen Vaping: What You Need to Know
Lots of information about teens and vaping, including risks of vaping, why parents should be concerned, and how to talk to kids about vaping.


Kid’s Health—for Parents—Special Needs Factsheets
Lots of information on a long list of special needs, including anorexia, bipolar disorder, asthma, autism, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, lactose intolerance, migraines, visual impairments and much more!
The title may say “Parents” but many of these factsheets are listed “for Schools”. Very informative with sections for What Teachers Should Know, What Teachers Can Do, and more.


NIH-National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and

Alcoholism—Make A Difference: Talk to Your Child

About Alcohol (for Parents)
Lots of information focused on the teens and

alcohol abuse, including Your Young Teen’s World,

Talking with Your Teen About Alcohol, Taking Action:

Prevention Strategies for Parents, Could My Child

Develop a Drinking Problem? And more.

Although information is aimed for parents, it is very information for anyone who deals with teens and the realities of possible alcohol abuse.



NIH- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Download or Order a 16-page Rethinking Drinking Booklet
Free of charge to addresses in the United States and U.S. territories
Orders are limited to a maximum of 30 copies.


The Truth About Alcohol
Lots of information about alcohol use, including a quiz to find out how much you know about alcohol, an online booklet, and a documentary.


What Are the Five Alcoholic Subtypes?
Friends and families may overlook a person’s alcohol abuse if the person does not fit into a stereotypical view of an alcoholic.  These five types more clearly define that alcoholism looks different in different people.


10 Things to Stop Doing If You Love an Alcoholic


NIH- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
What Are the Risks?


NIH- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Facts about Underage Drinking


NIH-Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia—Alcohol Use Disorder

NIH-Medline Plus—Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse

NIH-National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)—Alcohol Use Disorder

NIH-NIAAA—Drinking Levels Defined


American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry—Children of Alcoholics

NIH News in Health—Biology of Addiction: Drugs and Alcohol Can Hijack Your Brain

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—Binge Drinking: A Serious, Under-Recognized Problem Among Women and Girls


CDC—Infographic Binge Drinking: A Dangerous Problem Among Women and Girls


Nemours for Kids—First Aid and Safety
Links to first aid topics such as water first aid, outdoor first aid, first aid at home, playground first aid and more. Links for parents, kids, teens and educators. Also links to printable safety guides for a long list of health topics!


Mayo Clinic—First Aid Kits: Stock Supplies That Can Save Lives



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