Resources-Covid 19-for Parents, Teachers and Administrators
Kids Health from Nemours—Understanding Coronavirus (COVID 19)
Kids Health from Nemours has a wealth of information on the coronavirus pandemic. Easy-to-read resources are presented in an easy-to-navigate format. Important topics are listed separately so information can be found quickly.
Separate resources for parents and kids are listed.
Topics include:
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Your Questions Answered
Coronavirus (COVID-19): How to Talk to Your Child
Coronavirus (COVID-19): What To Do if Your Child Is Sick
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Home Care and Precautions
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Social Distancing with Children
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Helping Kids Get Used to Masks
Coronavirus (COVID-19): How to Protect Babies and Toddlers
Coronavirus (COVID-19): What is Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)?
WHO—Questions and Answers about COVID-19; Older People and COVID-19
Lots of information presented in Q & A form. Good for people of all ages to read about transmission, risks and prevention if you have older adults in your family who might be at risk.
CDC—Coronavirus Disease 2019—FAQs for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents
Lots of great information and frequently asked questions for administrators, teachers and parents.
For administrators:
What should I consider as I plan and prepare for COVID-19?
What can staff and students do to prevent the spread of COVID-19? -
How should my school prepare when there is no community transmission in our area?
What should I include in my emergency operations plan?
What should I do when there is substantial community transmission?
Should my school screen students for COVID-19?
What should I do if my school experiences increased rates of absenteeism?
What steps should my school take if a student or staff member shows symptoms of COVID-19?
If children with asthma have “breathing treatments” or peak flow meters, do schools need to be concerned about aerosolizing the virus that causes COVID-19?
AND MUCH MORE, including info on dismissals and recent travel by a student, family member or staff member.
For teachers:
What can teachers do to protect themselves and their students?
How should I talk to my students about COVID-19?
For Parents:
What are schools doing to prepare for COVID-19?
Are children more at risk?
How should parents talk to children about COVID-19?
CDC—Coronavirus 2019: How to Protect Yourself and Others
Information about how the coronavirus spreads and what you can do to protect yourself and others from becoming infected. The site also has several videos that explain health risks, precautions, and hand-washing techniques and more.
CDC—For Parents: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19
Information for parents about a condition associated with COVID-19 called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C).
CDC—Considerations for Youth Sports
Information about youth sports and protecting health during COVID-19
CDC—Caring for Children
Learn how you can plan, prepare, and cope with stress before and during a COVID-19 outbreak.
National Geographic Kids—Facts about Coronavius: What kids need to know
Good information for kids about COVID-19, including How did COVID-19 start?, How did it get to the United States—ad why did it spread so fast?, How does someone catch COVID-19, How can I protect myself?, Do I need to wear a mask and gloves?, What happens if I get COVID-19 and much more!
Mayo Clinic—How to talk to your kids about COVID-19
Good information about strategies to help parents talk to their kids about COVID-19.—2019 Novel Coronavirus (Covid 19)
Symptoms, risks, how to protect your family against covid 19, how to care for someone with covid 19, and much more!
CDC—Downloadable infographic: How mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Work
mRNA Vaccines Simply Explained
Good, easy-to-understand explanation of how mRNA vaccines work with explanation of the immune response.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)—Should I participate in a Clinical Trial? What’s in it for me?
Publisher: National Library of Medicine (NLM)
NIH—What Should I know to Participate in a Clinical Trial?
Learn about the steps that occur once a person decides to enroll in a clinical trial.
Publisher: National Library of Medicine (NLM)
NIH—Infographic: Is a COVID-19 Vaccine Right for Me?
What to expect when you volunteer for a vaccine clinical trial.
Publisher: NIH Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL)
CDC—What Healthcare Personnel Need To Know about Covid-19 Vaccines
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